Thursday, December 27, 2007

Alien vs. Predator. . .vs. whiny Humans 2

Well, I have to say, Alien vs. Predator 2: Requiem wasn't half bad. I was pleasantly surprised. That isn't to say that it's an intelligent movie, but it certainly delivered on the actual Alien/Predator fighting, unlike the first movie. AvP's main flaw, in case you have yet to see the first movie, was that it was mainly about the humans getting caught in the middle of some Predator training session. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I had the idea I was going to see Aliens fighting Predators, not stupid humans bitching about dying. The first movie barely had any Alien/Predator fights, what with 2 of the 3 Predators dying before managing to do anything, and even when the two races managed to tussle, the camera would just zoom in on the darkest corner and shake like crazy. Hell, some of the humans seemed tougher than the Predators. In the sequel, however, the humans were anything but tough. Humans were getting killed simply because they were in the proximity of a fight between an Alien and a Predator. The shaky camera, although still present, was a lot better. The only time I can really recall the camera being bad was during the final clash between the Predalien and the main Predator, and even then it managed to work. Unlike the first Alien vs. Predator, this movie also manages to tie itself in with the original Alien and Predator movies. In any case, if you are a fan of Alien, Predator, or AvP, this movie is something you need to see. Now get to the chopper!

-The J-Man

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday Politically Correctness"

Dedicated to you, users of euphamisms, may your Holiday season be blessed with many holiday Bushes and Candles! And also you, lady from wal-mart who yelled at me for wishing her a Merry Christmas!

-Ben Out

Monday, December 24, 2007


I don't know if anybody has seen the trailers for the new Cloverfield movie, but I gotta say, it looks awesome.

-The J-Man

Merry Christmas and Happy Belated Chanukah

Hey everybody. For those of you who celebrate it, Merry Christmas. For a look at what I'm going to be doing, just check out the video. I'll be sure to let you all know just how bad Alien vs. Predator: Requiem is tomorrow.

-The J-Man

N64 Memories

Ah yes, the days of N64 euphoria, a feeling that some of us gamers will always remember. It still brings to me a feeling of extreme joy to commemorate those feelings. Super Mario 64 and its graphics that back in the day nobody thought could be beat. There was something special about being able to run Mario around a 3D world for the first time since he debuted back in the 80's. I still recall the comment my father made to me while playing my freshly opened SM64, "son, the next step is you'll be inside the game."

How about Wave Race? Choosing between the 4 pre-made characters to zip around the courses supplied endless hours of entertainment. It was always special to pick the fat character and make him barrel roll.

Speaking of barrel rolls, nobody can forget Star Fox 64. Fox Mcloud was truly enchanting with his sidekicks Peppy, Slippy, and Falco. It was also the first game ever to introduce the N64 Rumble pack.

Another great was Banjo-Kazooie. A lesser known game thats story focuses on a bear named Banjo and a bird named Kazooie as they set out on a quest to rescue Banjo's sister, Tooty, who has been kidnapped by the witch Gruntilda. Along their journey, the two receive help from Mumbo Jumbo the shaman and Bottles the mole, as well as various other characters in smaller roles.

And how about 007 Golden Eye. I am speechless when I think about this game. It was truly an inspirational game. Widely consider to be the best first person shooter ever, it sold over eight million copies. It is considered an important title in the development of first person shooters, and has become particularly well-known for the quality of its multiplayer deathmatch mode, as well as its incorporation of stealth and varied objectives into its single player missions.

Our last but certainly not least stop on our trip down memory lane is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It was easily the most enticing action-adventure game created. It has sold over 7.6 million copies over its lifetime, and was the best-selling game in 1998 despite its November release. It also received perfect scores from numerous gaming media publications, most notably Famitsu, and went on to place highly or top several "greatest games of all time" lists, including those from Gamespot, IGN, and Edge Magazine. I still to this day remember how I felt the first time I was able to mount my horse, Epona, and ride throughout the virtual world that felt all to real.

There were many many more games that revolutionized the gaming industry that all have roots drawn to the N64. This blog barely touches on the tip of the iceberg. However, I hope all you loyal readers enjoyed the nostalgia here today.Enjoy the Holiday's gamers, may many games be delivered to your Christmas trees tonight!

-Ben Out

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh Glorious iPhone...

I mean cmon, how in the world did we have succesful business people before the iPhone existed. BRIEFCASES PSHHH so cliche. With the iPhone you can do anything your little heart imagines.

However, you'll drive the rest of the people who do not have an iPhone nuts. "Hey do you know what time it is?" BAM iPHONE IN YOUR FACE, "hey do you know if our grades are posted on the web yet?" BAM ANOTHER iPHONE IN YOUR FACE, "hey have you seen that latest video on YouTube of Britney Spears's titty slip" BAM iPHONEIZZLE. They are like a disease. Yet for some reason, I want one.

I am a technology whore, and the iPhone with all its cool upgrades make possibilities absolutly endless.

-Ben Out

Saturday, December 22, 2007

What?! No Whoppers?! OH NOES!

I don't know if any of you have seen those stupid Burger King ads where they discontinue the Whopper for a day, but if you have, then I'm sorry. Up top is a parody of the ad, and although it is poking fun at the commercials, it's basically the same. What I don't understand is why people get mad at the employees of the Burger King. I'm sure they don't like their jobs as is, why should these people make it harder for them. It's not like they got rid of the Whopper. Even with the Whopper gone for a whole day, there are plenty of other items on the menu that are the exact same thing. What makes up a Whopper? I'm gonna say a hamburger of sorts, cheese, sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, maybe bacon? If you go to any Burger King, and check out the menu, you will find at least 2 sandwiches that have all that. Then there's that douchebag in the real add who says something along the lines of "Now that Burger King doesn't have the Whopper, they may as well change their name to Burger Queen." Standing next to him is a man who I can only assume is his husband. This long hair hippie replies with a look of concentration then finally ". . .Yeah!" like his life partner just said something insightful. Changing the name from Burger King to Burger Queen because they don't have one hamburger? I'm sorry, I just don't get the clever joke there. Is it supposed to imply that a man without a hamburger isn't a man? Unless I'm totally missing something, the line makes no sense. The ". . .Yeah!" afterwards just makes this even worse. "Wow man, I didn't even think about it like that! Yeah, it's definitely the Burger Queen. Hell, maybe it's even the Burger Prince, or the Burger Jack now!" I hate commercials so much. Burger King can rot in Hell, with or without the Whopper. Bah!

-The J-Man

Adult Swim: Tim & Eric

So this past week ive been in a drug induced hazed caused by numerous amounts of painkillers from a surgery I underwent. Since im unable to do...well anything at all, I decided it would be fitting to entertain myself with a few quality hours of adult swim television.
Cartoon Network has always been my friend ever since I was a youngster watching shows such as Dexter's Lab, Ed Edd & Eddie, Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and many more exceptional programs. However, those days seem long gone.
At first I was not quite sure if the level of bafflement I recieved from the shows I watched were due to the drugs, so after discussing the events of my nights with Justin, we both have come to the conclusion that the shows on Adult Swim are seriously going downhill. Now I mean so much down hill its like a fucking toboggan except instead of a driver with whatever braking system they are suppose to have its a god damn monkey with such a raging death wish that it has appropriatley attached turbine engines to the side of this sled and strapped down all the hopes and dreams of thousands of children all who wanted to view deecent programming on the fabled "Adult Swim." Yes, its that bad.
I was able to sit through one show, The Tim and Eric Awesome Show. For the entirety of the show, I didnt breathe. Not becaues I was on the edge of my seat waiting for some epic even to happen, no, instead I did'nt breath because I just completly forgot how. Thats how dumb I had become after this show. There was a puddle of drool at my feet, and I took me another four or five minutes to snap out even after the show had ended. These shows no longer aim to entertain, they aim to make us views ask ourselves "Who in the right mind can even think of this stuff." In case any of you are interested in a short clip from Tim and Eric's show, click here for a wonderful holiday video. So heres to you Tim and Eric "Great Job!" Now go fuck yourselves!

P.S. I hope you all like the first "Talking Battleship" cartoon!

-Ben Out

Talking Battleship "They Are Characters Alright"

Just finished the concept drawings of Justin and I. I'm no artist, but I think it will be fun to show our writings through pictures as well!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Kittens Are Strange...

Day 5 with the Bearcat.
Innocent, I think not. Coniving little creatures from the back havens of hell, I think so. The kitten shown above (Marley Ninja) is just that. "Ohhhh look at the little black kitten its sooo cute and fluffy," until you turn around or fall asleep. This cute fluffy kitten has on multiple occasions assulted my girlfriend while she was sleeping. The Devlish creature lies upon the mandible of its victims in attempt to cut off all air circulation, however her attempts have been foiled by simple swipes of the hands. I am afraid once she learns to tie knots, she will bind us and THEN lay upon our mandibles!
Her peculiar behavior continues to deviate even from the attempted murders. The kitten stares impulsivley at us every moment she gets. No matter if shes sitting in the middle of the room, under a table, or hovering with her demon like appendages in mid air, she is constantly on the lookout for her opportunity to strike. I shall keep an eye on her at all times. I will stay safe.
For now, Ben Out

Iron Man The Game

Gee Willickers Batman! Could it be! A decent looking Marvel comic hero videogame! Well its only a trailer, but it looks like it has some possiblities. Check it out.

-Ben Out

Welcome. . .and beware!

Hey everybody, Justin here, and welcome to Talking Battleship. As you may already know, this blog is about games, technology, television, and everything in between. What you may not know is that we are depraved individuals. If you see anything here that disgusts you, frightens you, traumatizes you, etc. don't say I didn't warn you. If you see anything here that you disagree with, well, then you're wrong. Welcome to our world, whether you like it or not.

-The J-Man

Prepare to Battle! WOOOO WOOOO

Hello readers and welcome to Talking Battleship, a blog dedicated to all things unique! I am Ben, and the other Author is Justin, we are both two dedicated gamers, and technology enthusiasts. The blog that will take place amongst this website for however long we keep it going will touch on topics of interest of those who enjoy Video Games, Technology, Television, and really anything else we find interesting enough to talk about.

Living deeply imbedded in the American culture on two seperate ends of the continent, Justin and I will always give entertaining twists to our stories for you readers to enjoy. So please, check back often as the site truly unfolds!

-Ben Out